Thursday, August 13, 2009

Family Matters

My husband's Amish family is such a source of normalcy, reliability and strength for me. Because of their values, they don't believe in divorce, and they only remarry in the event of a death.

About five years ago, my family was much of the same, but along the way, something went astray. My parents separated and later divorced, my brother got married and divorced within a matter of months, and another brother married and then filed for divorce. Numerous girlfriends abounded amongst the men in my family. On August 1, 2009 my dad remarried. Tomorrow, my brother will also remarry.

My husband and I have been together for six years (married for three). He has endured this entire experience with me. His family was aware of the happenings and were supportive of me. None of his family are perfect individually, or as married couples, but they uphold the commands God set forth in the Bible, which I also firmly believe. Although it is hard for me to support the institution of marriage for my father and brother the second time around, I am supportive of them as God's family and pray for them. I believe that is what God wants me to do.

I am thankful for the support my husband's family has given me. Before he and I got engaged, he asked me what I thought of divorce. To me, that was a rhetorical question with an unequivocal answer; however, he had a very good reason for asking. Many of our adult behaviors, we have learned from our parents. Because my parents are divorced, he assumed I thought it was okay. He soon learned otherwise. It is interesting though when you turn the tables. I wouldn't have thought to ask him that question because I know his Amish parents instilled those values within him.

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